Monday, June 14, 2010

General Tips For Good Oral Health

Eat balanced food, that have minerals and vitamins

Avoid eating sweets or sticky food between meals.

Brush your teeth after every meal.

Use a good tooth paste and tooth brush.

Visit your dentist once in 6 months.

If your child has protruding or misaligned teeth, start orthodontic treatments early (9 years age), for better results.

Never put off meeting your dentist. Minor pain and sensitivity, if untreated can lead to major complications.

Make use of the wealth of information on this site to maintain healthy teeth!!

1 comment:

  1. Useful tips you have share . Understand that if your child ingests sugars, it will take the saliva a minimum of 30 minutes to neutralize the acidity that is created by decay-producing bacteria. A sugary snack every hour can mean your child's mouth is always acid, increasing the chances for tooth decay.

    Amandeep Goma
