Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Extra Weight May Up Risk For Tooth Loss

Being overweight can lead to many health problems. Now, a study has found that younger obese adults are at risk for tooth loss.

Researchers from Karlstad University in Skövde, Sweden, did the study. They found that obese adults aged 30 to 59 had twice the risk of missing at least 12 teeth, including wisdom teeth. Obese people ages 60 and older did not have this risk.

The researchers also looked at abdominal obesity, or belly fat. People who were obese and "apple shaped" had the same increase in risk as the larger group of obese people.

The study considered the effects of age, sex, family income and other health conditions. Even after taking all of these into account, younger obese adults were still at risk for tooth loss.

The study involved about 2,400 adults, ages 30 to 74.

Other research has found links between obesity and tooth loss. Some studies have shown that people who lose many of their natural teeth are more likely to be obese. This may be because tooth loss can make it difficult to eat certain foods.

Tooth Pain Guide

Symptom Possible Problem What To Do
Momentary sensitivity to hot or cold foods If it lasts only moments, it generally does not signal a serious problem. The sensitivity may be caused by a loose filling or by minimal gum recession which exposes small areas of the root surface. Try using toothpastes made for sensitive teeth. Brush up and down with a soft brush—brushing sideways wears away exposed root surfaces. If this is unsuccessful, see your general dentist.
Sensitivity to hot or cold foods after dental treatment Dental work may inflame the pulp, or nerves inside the tooth, causing temporary sensitivity. Wait four to six weeks. If the pain persists or worsens, see your general dentist.
Sharp pain when biting down on food There are several possible causes of this type of pain; decay, a loose filling or a crack in the tooth. There may also be damage to the pulp tissue inside the tooth. See a dentist for evaluation. If the problem is pulp damage, you may need to see an endodontist.
Lingering pain after eating hot or cold foods This probably means the pulp has been damaged by deep decay or physical trauma. See your endodontist to save the tooth with root canal treatment.
Constant and or severe pain to pressure, swelling of gum and sensitivity to touch A tooth may have become abscessed, causing the surrounding gum and bone to become infected See your endodontist for evaluation and treatment to relieve the pain and save the tooth. Take over-the-counter analgesics until you see the endodontist.
Dull ache and pressure in upper teeth and jaw The pain of a sinus headache is often felt in the face and teeth. Grinding of teeth (bruxism) can also cause this type of ache. For sinus headaches, try over-the-counter analgesics or sinus medication. For bruxism, consult your dentist. If pain is severe and chronic, see your physician or endodontist.
Chronic pain in head, neck or ear Sometimes pulp-damaged teeth cause pain in other parts of the head and neck. But other dental or medical problems may be responsible. See your endodontist for evaluation. If the problem is not related to the tooth, your endodontist will refer you to an appropriate dental specialist or a physician.

Oral Cancer Websites

Oral cancer, including tongue, gum, jaw, cheek, and pharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and laryngeal are more common than people are aware of. While everyone can be affected by oral or throat cancers, current and former tobacco users are most susceptible.

There are several websites that provide information, research, screening information, help and support, as well as other pertinent statistics regarding oral cancer.