Monday, June 14, 2010

Adult toothpaste is not recommended until a baby is about three because they may swallow it and get too much fluoride. However there are many varieties of babies toothpaste on the market, in a variety of flavors, colors and branding.

imagesBy the time babies are a year and a half, they are more interested in the toothbrush. It is worth giving them a toothbrush as soon as they become interested. By two years of age you can teach them how to brush with a toothbrush twice a day.

Take your baby with you to the dentist from being a tiny baby so he or she can get used to the sights, sounds and going regularly. This should help when a check up is needed once your baby’s teeth begin to grow.

You can help prevent tooth decay by buying the right toothbrush and establishing a regular teeth cleaning routine. Toothbrushes are usually sold with an age recommendation for use on the packaging, for example from birth to two years; choose one specifically designed for your child’s teeth . Children ’s teeth toothbrush should have a long, thin handle that fits in your hand and helps you to reach around all the teeth, and a small head with soft, rounded filaments. Once your baby wants to have a go himself, buy a toothbrush with a chunky, short handle and finger grips. The head should still be small and the filaments soft. You will however still need to assist with the cleaning. You may find it useful to buy a toothbrush with a colored area on the filaments to indicate the tiny amount of toothpaste that is required for cleaning a baby’s mouth. Change your baby’s toothbrush at least every three months, and sooner if the filaments are starting to splay.

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